Random Roger.com


Random Roger is a blog dedicated to investing. For the most part Roger focuses on the intermediate to long term with his investment wisdom and ideas. He focuses a lot on ETF’s and global investing along with what he is doing with his money and client money. He is very common sense oriented. Of course along with common sense he does his DD on the topics that he writes about. What do I mean by that? Well due diligence is when you realize that you need to actually do research into the big picture, medium picture, and small picture. For instance when he writes about ETF’s he actually looks at the holdings and what makes this ETF different from another ETF with the same theme. Here is a good example of ETF research. Now you might ask “what is so different about that?.” Well I would venture to say that 80% of financial advisers that use ETF’s or Mutual Funds could even tell you one of the top 10 holding for any of its funds, or what the expense ratio is, or a host of other factors. Most just know that the SPY is the SP500, OIH is the oil industry, etc. Not very detailed oriented. Contrast that with Roger who not only looks at the big picture but the micro picture as well. Remember the devil is in the details.

A few other notes about this blog is that he has been at it for three years now. A long time for a blogger. He also does a weekly review video that he posts using YouTube. He calls it the Big Picture. Overall this site has a lot of good info. Both current ideas as well as just good investment habits are written almost daily on this site. If you are sick of high strung Jim Cramer then give low key and calm RandomRoger.com a visit and actually learn.

Happy Blogging,

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