If you trade stocks you probably look at the VIX. Some people use it more than others and some have even built trading systems that focus almost entirely on the VIX. Now you can even trade the VIX in the futures and options markets. So where other than the CBOE can we get good info about the VIX’s uses? One of the better sites that we have seen that deals with the VIX is They look at the VIX from several diifferent angles such as for an indicator of sentiment to a trading vehicle.

The writer at VIXandMore also writes about some different model portfolios and trades that he does. Obviously the VIX and market sentiment are an integral component to his trading. Looking at a lot of his charts he also uses Bollinger Bands a lot. So you can tell that he is a fan of volatility as a tool to trade.

If all this kinda sounds like praise it is because it is. We have followed VIXandMore for a while now and appreciate his sound advice and insights into how this space of the market works. If you trade add this site to your RSS reader.

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