
Well if you trade and read blogs you have probably come across Brett Steenbarger’s site TraderFeed. If you have not then you should make it a daily visit. I have been a reader of Brett’s for a long time. He is a Trader/Sports Psychologist that works to help Traders overcome the many psychological hurdles that we all have. He has written “The Psychology of Trading (Wiley, 2003) and Enhancing Trader Performance. I have The Psychology Of Trading and can attest that it is an excellent book.

One of the best things about the TraderFeed blog is that Brett is very giving in his knowledge and research. He actively trades himself so he is not just espousing theories. He actually works with a few trading floors so for the most part he is not helping unprofitable traders become profitable but instead is helping already fairly successful traders overcome their boundaries.

I mentioned that he does a lot of trading research as well and has done a tremendous amount of work with money flows and the Tick. If you go to his blog almost every week he has a post concerning both of those topics A TICK post and Sentiment Money Flow. His research for the most part is quite original and useful.

He also has a good take on what he is doing. He has noted that his 50K+ visitors a month could bring him some decent money but makes no effort to monetize his site. He comes from an academic background and he really just wants to share what he has learned. He has posted about it and it has proven to be true over the past couple of years. Give this site a look and add it to your feeds. I read it every day and can’t recommend it enough.

Happy Blogging and Trading,

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