Read the Prospectus

Read the Prospectus is a great site for traders interested in technical analysis.  It is an even better site for traders who use Think Or Swim as their trading platform.  Read the Prospectus is a master thinkscipt programmer and regularly gives away excellent thinkscripts.  If you use Think Or Swim then you MUST read this blog.

Even if you dont use Think or Swim, this blog is still very much worth reading if you use or are learning to use technical analysis in your trading.  You see the writer of this blog doesn’t just write indicators and trading systems but also explains why he decided to write it.  If he needs an indicator that no one else has then he builds it.  Who wouldn’t love to know the exact originations of stochastics and whey the investor needed it (attributed but not really invented by George Lane, and not really stochastics either)?  Or sit along side Appel as he figured out MACD and how to use it.

This blog gives you this opportunity as Read the Prospectus lets you come along for the ride as the writer discusses the why and the how of each of his indicators.  In addition he still has them for free.  This is a wonderful resource for all technical analysts, and a must have resource for fellow Think or Swimmers.

Happy Trading and Blogging,

Team Blograter

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