Bloggingzoom is a new service brought to us by Courtney and Vic. What is it? It is a place where bloggers of all types and sizes can come and share their content. At first glance many people will probably associate the site with Digg or a few other social voting sites. Two of the many things that sets apart from the crowd are that it is exclusively for bloggers and they help your posts get ranked higher in Google and other search engines.

If you want a good example of what good search traffic can do you only have to look at how Vic’s site has gotten over 1,000,000 hits in only three months. These guys have way way more than a clue as to how to drive targeted traffic to sites. And they are applying that knowledge to your posts that you submit to Obviously the more people that Zoom your articles the better but even if you don’t get a ton of votes you still get better search engine rankings.

A few people have asked why don’t I just use Digg? First of all you should still use it. Almost any promoting that you can do for your site and its posts is going to be helpful to your efforts. But a few things that in our opinion make better are that you are only competing against other blogs. Another thing is that at you are not punished for submitting your own material. So now instead of getting a friend to Digg your article you can Zoom or submit your own material and then let the voting happen.

These are but a few of the advantages that offers the blogging community. If you want to improve your traffic, your search rankings, and overall popularity of your blog then it is worth your time to go and register at

Happy Blogging,
Blog Raters

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